Percival's Angel
Lili, an apprentice of the Lady of the Lake, is the childhood friend of Percy, the boy who will become one of Arthur's greatest knights. But as they grow older, Lili begins to see their differences. She has otherworldly magic while he has the magic that lives within the Human Heart. Lili dreams of knowing human love while Percy dreams of finding the Holy Grail. Neither can succeed without the other.Once again Crompton weaves together nature, feminist perspective, and Arthurian legend for a tale that is sure to appeal to readers of all ages.Praise for Percival's Angel: "Crompton succeeds in incorporating the mysticism of medieval romance into her fantasy... This well-written fantasy can be compared to Katherine Paterson's Parzival." -Voya
At First Sight:
First I thought, a King Arthur retelling? I LOVE THAT! I really loved Meg Cabot's Avalon High and I was that type of book with this one. The cover's beautiful and the blurbs are pretty fantastic.
My Thoughts:
This will be a short review--and not in the very good way. But let's start with the positive. There were some parts of the book that entertained me enough to keep reading. Only a few, though. That was it.
Overall, this book has many aspects that I didn't like. The narration was weird and very unusual for me. It was more of a narration that you'd see in poems. Don't get me wrong, I love lyrical language but when the actual sentences of the paragraph turn into verse-like sentences it just doesn't work for me.
I didn't connect to any of the characters, to be honest. I didn't understand Percy's motivations or Lili's significance at all. I couldn't get into them. Most of the time they sounded distant and untouchable.
And the plot--well, there was really no real excitement to it. Maybe it's because I haven't ever heard of Percival's legend but to be honest, I didn't get it. And the whole fairy aspect just didn't work for me.
In one sentence:
"A rather empty book."
Plot: 2
Characters: 2
Cover: 4
Writing: 2
Overall Feeling: 2
Average: 2.4 stars

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